Webinars & Tech Demo Sessions
FabCity OS Core - Alpha
We are ready to start our enrollment for the Fab City OS Core via Technical Demonstration sessions and webinars.
Part of the INTERFACER project is developing Fab City OS Core, an innovative federated open source platform to share and collaborate on Open Source Hardware projects. Visit the FINTERFACER platform here. Fab City OS Core provides innovative tools to support the complexity of a distributed accounting system for flexible collaboration processes. It leverages crypto technology to empower participants with privacy, transparency and data ownership and can be adopted to implement fair and equitable compensation mechanisms.
While developing all this, we need to make sure that Fab City OS Core fits the real needs of its users. We are looking to collect first impressions, discover best practices and gather suggestions for features and fresh ideas from OSH Designers, Manufacturers and Fab Cities representatives. If you are interested in joining this process, please let us know on our Matrix channel, or stay in touch by subscribing to our newsletter.
Stay in contact via the Fab City Hamburg Newsletter
Join the follow-up webinars introducting the INTERFACER platform via dyne.org Foundation: https://interfacerproject.dyne.org/webinar-interfacer/