Abstract image for the Roadshow


Zero Carbon Roadshow

The Zero Carbon Roadshow is one of the outreach activities of the INTERFACER project: In order to build a digital infrastructure for Fab Cities, an initial network of social relationships based on trust and personal contacts is needed. On the other hand, it aims to create a strong narrative to communicate the underlying values of the Fab City and INTERFACER’s core product, the Fab City Operating System (OS), to a broad public. Cycling is nowadays a strong synonym for sustainable lifestyle, new forms of consumption and travel, environmental awareness, work life balance…) with a strong media resonance on the bike tour specific social media channels. Follow the trip on Instagram @fabcityhh and #zercarbonroadshow

The 0 CO₂ Roadshow started in Hamburg the 06.07.22 with 4 major stops, here the tour in data

Amsterdam07. - 16.7.22500 km732 m
Paris17. - 29.7.22610 km.1791 m
Rhône Alpes Region30. - 08.8.22582 km.2551 m
Barcelona09. - 24.8.22956 km5551 m
TOTAL49 days2648 km10652m

Also: 12 hubs and labs have been documented, 8 videos produced, 137 hours in total of bike riding with a comsumption of 75470kj/person, the average speed was 19km/h the highest 66km/h… probably driving downhill. If you love data, here all details


Leg 1: Trip resume Hamburg > Amsterdam

The kick-off for our roadshow, a bike-trip of about 50 days and roughly 2800km, started with a last strong coffee in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel. With a longer stop in Oldenburg, we reach the dutch border mainly within permanent rain and lots of dykes and sheep. After a week of biking, we reach Amsterdam and start our series of “Walk-through” with the oldest Fab Lab in Europe, the Waag Society, followed by probably the biggest one, the Fiction factory and its spin-off, the factory of the Wikkelhouse, a fully modular sustainable tiny house.

Leg 2: Trip resume Amsterdam > Paris

The way from Amsterdam to Paris takes us to the modern and stylish city of Rotterdam, through the artificial landscapes of the dutch Zealand region, we then cross Belgium to visit the Wapi Fablab, followed by the rural creative and productive Hub Hermitage in the north of France. In Paris we have documented our stay at Villette Makerz and the brand new Fab City Hub.

Leg 3: Trip resume Paris > Rhône Alpes Region

We leave Paris and ride along the river Seine southwards, followed by the smooth curves of la Loire. We climb our first mountain in the Bourgogne region and reach the wine valley of the Saône and Rhône. A few days break allows us to visit the Textile Lab in Lyon and the ‘adaptocratic’ space la Myne…

Leg 4: Trip resume Rhône Alpes Region > Barcelona

From Lyon, we now head to the southern part of Europe with its typical summer temperatures. Before we reach the mediterranean sea, we stop at the LabSud in Montpellier. On the way to Spain, we have to cross the Pyrenees through an incredible forest of cork trees. In Barcelona, we visited the Ciutat Meridiana Fab Lab, the Valldaura Labs and finally the Fablab Barcelona, the birthplace of the Fab City network and the end of our incredible journey.

An initiative of INTERFACER, funded by the European Union and with the support of the Fab City Foundation.





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